How to study, How to study CA, Study plan for CA, Study plan for CA Final, Study Plan for CA Inter, How to clear CA, Smart way to study CA, Smart way to pass CA, Tips to clear CA, Easy way to clear CA, How to plan my study, What to do in studying phase, What to do for first revision, What to do for second revision, What to do for Last day revision, How many revisions are needed to clear CA

The Secret to Smart Study for the Nov'23 Attempt

- Vivitsu Team . 3731+ Reads


This is for all the students who have doubts about why it is useful to study from ICAI issued study content and for students who are referring to our Chapterwise CA Compilations/Question Bank. ICAI issued content is used as a base for all our Compilations & Question Banks.

There are 4 types of study content issued by ICAI. Each having a different difficulty level. -

  • Study Material- Easy
  • Revision Test Papers- Moderate
  • Mock Test Papers- Difficult
  • Past Papers- Very Difficult


Studying for CA can be very taxing, if you start off on the wrong foot it can make or break your attempt. ALWAYS plan on how you are going to tackle all the subjects. Give yourself a day or two and customize your study plan.


Study Plan Formulation- Points to keep in mind-

  • Do a thorough analysis of your strengths and weaknesses.
  • First allocate your time subject-wise.
  • Next allocate your time chapter-wise.
  • You don’t need to be rigid and fix the exact number of days for a particular subject or a chapter.
  • Do 2 subjects together. Preferably one theory & one practical subject simultaneously.

Maximum Utilization of your study time-

We recommend dividing your study time into 3 phases-

  1. Studying – 88 days approx. (11 days per subject)
  2. First Revision - 40 days approx. (5 days per subject)
  3. Second Revision -24 days approx. (3 days per subject)
  1. Studying Phase:

In this phase you should watch your video lectures or attend faculty lectures if they are not already completed. One thing to keep in mind, if you have less time, then allocating more time to watching lectures as compared to self-study will be harmful in the long run. Always remember maximum 40% of your study phase time should involve watching lectures and the remaining should be for self-study.


Your subject and chapter are predetermined as per your study plan:

  • Finish reading all your concepts and solving all the sums (for practical papers) from your classes content for a particular chapter.
  • Do not forget to write down important points and make your own revision notes, it is a proven fact that if you study from your own handwriting the retention capacity increases. Always have Last day revision notes prepared during your study phase. If you have less time then pick an author in this phase itself and go through the revision booklet so you are familiar with the flow during Last day revision.
  • After this to test whether you have studied the chapter properly by going through the Chapterwise Study Material & RTPs. This will test you before its too late. No doubt solving test series after you finish studying everything is important but if you haven’t cleared the first step of concept clarity then solving is of no use. Follow this cycle for every chapter.
  • While solving sums/questions from the Study Material & RTP keep 2 different color pens (red & blue) with you. The questions you could answer partially should be marked with one color (blue) and the questions which you could not attempt at all should be marked in the other color (red).

You follow the above technique after studying every chapter. This is a foolproof way to know whether you have studied correctly. We recommend solving Study Material & RTPs in this phase as it covers a variety of questions and could be considered as the easy level.

  1. First Revision Phase-

In this phase out of the 5 days, the first 4 days should be taken to brush through the concepts of a particular chapter, followed by solving the blue and red marked sums in RTP and Study Material. If you are not able to solve certain sums from the above material and if they are from the blue marked category, then mark them red. After this start solving the MTPs, follow the same red and blue pen concept as above. On the last day solve a paper from a test-series to judge your performance. Having enough practice of solving certain questions chapter wise before this stage will surely give you a lot of confidence while solving an entire paper.

In this phase we recommend solving MTPs because they are moderately difficult.


  1. Second Revision Phase-

There are 3 days, in this phase you concentrate on making your last day revision notes perfect. If they are your own notes brush through the concepts and see that you haven’t missed out anything and if they are someone else’s then see that you understand all the concepts written in it and add your own points if you feel it’s difficult to understand. For each chapter after doing the above, solve the Past Papers and follow the red pen concept only. Post this solve the red marked sums from the study material and RTP and the blue and red marked sums from the MTP. If you are not able to solve certain sums from the MTP and if they are from the blue marked category, then mark them red. Follow this by solving another test-series paper and do a comparison with the papers solved in the first revision phase.

In this phase we recommend solving Past Paper’s because they are difficult.

Your Last Day revision should cover ONLY your revision notes and ALL RED category sums only. Here reading a particular chapter and solving the red category sums will be faster than solving everything together later on after going through the last revision notes.

I hope this helps you and best of luck for your exam preparation! Study Smart!

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