CA Foundation Test Series | Vivitsu
CA Foundation Test Series


Aaklan Report along with the answer key

Detailed video of the whole test

Chapter-wise ABC Analysis

Paper setting and checking by CA

Choose Attempt:


Each chapter one test (60-120 minutes)

2 Full Syllabus Test (1 Scheduled and 1 Unscheduled)


Portionwise test (4 tests)(60-120 mins)

2 Full Syllabus Test (1 Scheduled and 1 Unscheduled)


2 Full Syllabus Test each subject

Full Syllabus Test will be of 3hrs.

LIMITED BATCH SIZE Only 49 seats remaining


Aaklan Report along with the answer key

Detailed video of the whole test

Chapter-wise ABC Analysis

Paper setting and checking by CA

Introducing The Vivitsu

Aaklan Report

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How does Test Series Work?
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LIMITED BATCH SIZE Only 49 seats remaining
The Vivitsu

Aaklan Report
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How does
Test Series Work?
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Compare Test Series Types


  • Each chapter one test (60-120 minutes)
  • 2 FULL SYLLABUS TEST (One Scheduled and one Unscheduled FULL SYLLABUS TEST)

Standard Plan

  • Portion wise test (4 tests) (60-120 minutes)
  • 2 FULL SYLLABUS TEST (One Scheduled and one Unscheduled FULL SYLLABUS TEST)

Beginner Plan

  • 2 FULL SYLLABUS TEST each subject
  • FULL SYLLABUS TEST will be 3 hrs.

Why Vivitsu Test Series?

Detailed Aaklan Report for every evaluated paper, covering presentation, concept clarity, missed provisions, keywords and step-wise marking.
Micro & macro analysis: Customized chapter-wise and topic-wise preparation levels based on ICAI weightage and trends.
Pre-recorded Test Paper Discussion for in-depth understanding.
Toppers' Copies for comparision and benchmarking.
Structured to improve both conceptual clarity and exam preparation.

Introducing Vivitsu

Aaklan Report
Aaklan or आकलन means assessment
Detailed Aaklan Report for every evaluated paper, covering presentation, concept clarity, missed provisions, keywords, and step-wise marking.
What is Aaklan?
Aaklan is a detailed performance analysis report provided by Vivitsu for each evaluated test paper. It assesses your answers based on the same parameters ICAI uses for actual exam evaluation, such as presentation, concept clarity, provisions, step-wise marking, and more.
How will it help me?
Aaklan helps you identify strengths and weaknesses in your answers, offering both macro and micro-level insights into your preparation. You get a chapter-wise and topic-wise breakdown of your performance, step-by-step marking details, and key feedback to improve exam readiness. Additionally, you'll receive a detailed test paper discussion video and toppers' copies for better guidance and comparison.

How does it work?

1. Enroll with vivitsu.
Get instant access to all test papers. All details videos of the test. ABC analysis of all the chapters.
2. Write the Test.
Write the test on a piece of paper, just as if would write it in the exam hall. Time yourself.
3. Upload Test.
Use default scanners in your phone to capture and convert it to PDF. Upload it to Vivitsu Dashboard.
4. Get Aaklan Report.
Vivitsu sends you a corrected paper in next 4 working days along with the answers video and an analysis report card.

Frequently Asked Questions

You need to upload your answer sheet in PDF format on the Vivitsu dashboard.

Pro consist of test on each chapter plus 2 full-length test ; Standard test consist of portion wise test and 2 full-length test, and Beginner test aims to test you on the complete syllabus with 2 full-length test.

Chapter/portion is as per ICAI Study material.

You can appear for the test anytime as per your convenience, preferably in ICAI exam conditions to make you acclimatize to the process.

Evaluated Copies will be uploaded within 4 working days after you submit the test.

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