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1. Windows

Can’t connect to server. Check your Internet connection and try again.

Viewer crashes or opens a document then closes it straight away.

Unexpected server response. Request could not be authenticated.

You don’t have the necessary permissions to access the compilations…

Windows Viewer or Writer will not install properly or run correctly once installed.

When I double-click on the Safeguard Viewer or Writer application, my license file, or a protected document nothing happens.

Viewer install is blocked by Windows / group policy / user rights

When I double-click on the installation file (.exe or .pkg file), it tells me the file is corrupted

You need to activate (register) the license sent to you by the publisher before you can view protected documents

Viewer Freezing: Viewer Freezes (not responding) and causes system to hang

2. Android

Document access failed – pad block corrupted

Viewer crashes or opens a document then closes it straight away

License Register Failed – unknown error

Android import tab does not update with newly populated files

Acrobat could not open .pdc because it is either not a supported file type or the file has been corrupted.

Why are PDC files not associated with the Android Viewer?

3. iOS

Viewer crashes or opens a document then closes it straight away

License Register Failed – unknown error

4. Mac OS

LocklizardSafeguardViewerSetup.pkg can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer

When I double-click on the installation file (.exe or .pkg file), it tells me the file is corrupted

Mac Viewer will not install properly or run correctly once installed

You need to activate (register) the license sent to you by the publisher before you can view protected documents

Viewer Freezing: Viewer Freezes (not responding) and causes system to hang

Error Description and Resolution For Desktop PDC Viewer

Can’t connect to server. Check your Internet connection and try again.

Why does this issue occur:
This error is displayed if a firewall on the server is preventing incoming traffic on port 8080 (or whatever port you have chosen in your own server installation for writer & viewer communications with the server).
Log in to your windows as an administrator and allow the software through your Firewall or disable the firewall and windows defender when you open the software.
Note: Once this issue is resolved you can again turn on your firewall and windows defender.

Viewer crashes or opens a document then closes it straight away.

Solution: For this error, we have made a provision on your Vivitsu's dashboard.
  • Please navigate to your dashboard and on the sidebar, there's a section "Chapter-Wise PDC Files".
  • Once there, click on the subject that you want to download and import all the chapter files into your Safeguard Viewer app.
  • You don't need to register with your license again, just open these documents and start viewing them.
  • If you encounter any difficulties in this process, please tell us here so we can guide you further.

  • Unexpected server response. Request could not be authenticated.

    Why does this issue occur:
    This error message is displayed if the response from the server has been corrupted or altered in some way.
    Solution: Check the following:
  • Your computer clock is correctly set. Configure your computer to automatically synchronize date and time settings with a time server.
  • Your firewall is not allowing the Viewer to communicate with the Safeguard server – PDCViewer.exe (v2 Viewer) or PDCViewer.exe / PDCViewer64.exe (v3 Viewer). Please allow the software through your Firewall or disable the firewall and windows defender when you open the software.
  • A proxy is changing HTTP headers
  • Getting this error when registering a license file?
  • If you are registering a license file and get this error message then it is because the Safeguard Admin system is not responding (i.e. it is currently unavailable). Try again later to see if the problem persists.
  • If you continue to receive this message then please contact us on +919619822135 with a screenshot of the error so we can help you resolve it.

  • You don’t have the necessary permissions to access the compilations…

    Please contact us on WhatsApp on +919619822135 immediately with the screenshot of this error so we can solve it as soon as possible.

    Windows Viewer or Writer will not install properly or run correctly once installed.

    If you experience problems while installing the Viewer or Writer on a Windows PC then follow these clean installation steps to rule out common issues that can stop the software from working properly:
  • Remove the keystore and uninstall the software if you had any Locklizard products previously installed / registered on the machine. You can do this via the “Add or remove programs” option in Windows Settings – Apps.
  • Disable UAC in the Windows Control Panel: From Windows Control Panel: “User Accounts > Change User Account Control Settings > Never Notify”. In Windows 8 & above – Press the Windows Key and start typing “Control Panel”. Click the Control Panel shortcut. In the top right of the control panel type “UAC” into the search box. Click Change User Account Control settings and disable it.
  • ENSURE all antivirus and security software is disabled and there is no resident security software running.
  • Note that you may be under a network firewall or an organization-wide antivirus, in which case you won’t be able to turn it off from your machine. It is recommended to inquire with your IT department regarding this.
  • Restart the computer, and ENSURE you are logged in with administrative privileges.
  • Note that while an Admin account usually solves these types of issues, there may still be group policies / other security locks in place which will prevent the installation of our software. Again, we recommend inquiring with your IT department, since they are the only ones who have control over this.
  • Re-download and re-install the software to a local folder such as C:\Downloads. You must right-click the install file and select “Run as administrator”. You can download the latest version of the Safeguard Writer from your Admin System > My Account tab. The latest version of the Safeguard Viewer can be found here: Windows Software
  • After you have completed these steps, re-register your license file by double-clicking it.
    Installing the Viewer on behalf of users across a network?
    Then also:
    When checking the box “Run this program as an administrator” under the Privilege Level section click on “Change settings for all users”.
    Give Full Access (so, all permissions checked) to the entire PDCViewer folder.
    Nothing happens?
    If nothing happens when you:
  • double-click on the Viewer application
  • try and register a license (.llv file)
  • try and open a protected document
  • then see below option 6.

    When I double-click on the Safeguard Viewer or Writer application, my license file, or a protected document nothing happens.

    In order to fix this issue, please do the following:
    1. Check that your firewall software is not preventing the application PDCViewer.exe or PDCViewer64.exe from executing
    If you have turned off your firewall permanently you may have to reboot to shut down the memory resident portion since different firewalls work in different ways. If this does not work, add PDCViewer.exe / PDCViewer64.exe to your allowed list of programs and then reboot your computer.
    2. Check that your anti-virus software is not preventing PDCViewer.exe or PDCViewer64.exe from executing
    Some AV products like Symantec Endpoint Protection and Websense Data Endpoint prevent the Safeguard Viewer from running since we monitor certain processes and activities.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you disable your firewall or AV product then make sure you reboot your computer and that the firewall/AV product is not loaded at start-up time. Most firewall/AV products remain memory resident even after disabling them, so you need to reboot your computer to clear the memory resident component.
    NOTE: Comodo Internet Security stays memory resident on 64 bit computes even after turning off all protection. If rebooting does not work, remove Comodo, install the Safeguard Viewer and then re-install Comodo.
    3. Check that you don’t have a proxy configured in Internet Explorer
    If you are using a proxy to access the Internet then you must enter these details in the Viewer application (Windows Start menu >> Locklizard >> Viewer Proxy Settings). See configuring a Proxy.
    4. Check that ports 80 and 443 are open on your firewall
    You may need to check with the publisher of the document for the exact port number they are using. 443 is the default port for HTTPS and port 80 is the default for HTTP.
    5. If you cannot register your license, check that using HTTPS is not an issue
    Copy and paste your license file into the browser address bar. Remove the s from https:// so it now shows as beginning with http:// instead. Then, press ENTER on your keyboard to download a HTTP version of the license and try registering with that file. If the license now registers then a firewall is preventing use of the port used for secure communication (normally port 443).

    LocklizardSafeguardViewerSetup.pkg can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer

    This error message is displayed if you have not changed your security settings to allow applications downloaded from anywhere.
    Please follow the instructions given in the license email as follows:
    Check your security settings are adequate to run the installation application.
    1. To do this, click on the Apple icon and then ‘System Preferences’.
    2. Select the ‘Security & Privacy’ icon.
    3. Click on the ‘Padlock’ icon on the bottom left of the window and enter your Mac credentials (username and password) in order to change your security settings.
    4. Select ‘Allow applications downloaded from: Anywhere’ and then confirm this.
    OSX Mojave
    With OSX Mojave , after installating the Viewer, you also need to go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy pane > Privacy tab, and in the left list select Full Disk Access, then in the right list add and allow Safeguard Viewer.

    Viewer install is blocked by Windows / group policy / user rights

    When trying to install the Viewer, you may encounter a message stating the application is blocked / not approved by Microsoft or a third party, which causes the install process to fail or the license to not register.
    This can be caused by certain security options, either from an antivirus / security software or organization policy. For example, apps like WinGuard Pro or AppLocker are used to prevent the installation of unwanted apps, or this can be achieved through Windows’ own group policies or user account settings.
    If you encounter such a message please contact your IT department and inform them that you would like to install the Safeguard Viewer, since only they have the necessary access to allow the installation.

    When I double-click on the installation file (.exe or .pkg file), it tells me the file is corrupted

    This error message is displayed if you have not downloaded the complete file.
    Delete the partially downloaded file and re-download the software or download the zip archive version of the setup.
    Once you have done that, check the file size published on the web site and compare it with the one you have locally on your disk to make sure it is the same size.

    Mac Viewer will not install properly or run correctly once installed

    If you experience problems while installing the Viewer on a Mac Computer then follow these clean installation steps to rule out common issues that can stop the software from working properly:
    1. Load the Safeguard Viewer application and select the option ‘Remove Keystore’ from the ‘Locklizard Safeguard Viewer’ menu at the top of the screen.*
    2. Move the Viewer application from Applications to the Trash folder.*
    3. Delete the downloaded install file (and un-mount it if it is mounted by right clicking on it and choosing Eject).*
    4. Empty the Trash folder.*
    5. ENSURE all antivirus and security software is disabled and there is NO resident security software running.
    6. Restart the computer.
    7. Login as an Administrator.
    8. Re-download the Mac Viewer from here.
    9. Change the security settings so that they are adequate to run the Safeguard Viewer installation program – see these instructions.
    10. Re-install the Viewer.
    11. If you are using OSX Mojave go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy pane > Privacy tab, and in the left list select Full Disk Access, then in the right list add and allow Safeguard Viewer.
    12. Re-download your license file.
    13. Re-register your license file.
    14. Re-download the document.
    15. Open the document.
    Steps 1-4 are for machines where the Safeguard Viewer was previously installed and registered. If not, then for a clean install you can start with Step 5.
    NOTE: You can completely remove the Mac Viewer files using a third party uninstaller such as
    Still not working?
    If having gone through all of the steps above and you still cannot get the Viewer to work correctly then see Viewer Freezing Issues.
    If you are using multiple user accounts on your Mac then see I can’t get the Mac viewer to work with multiple user accounts.

    You need to activate (register) the license sent to you by the publisher before you can view protected documents

    Before you can view protected documents or products you must first double-click on the license file sent to you by your publisher in order to register. You should have received an email from the Publisher with your license file details with information on activating/registering your license. See opening PDC files for further details.
    Already Registered?
    If you have registered and this message still appears then this could be any of the following reasons:
    1. You tried to register the viewer software over a VPN which will not work – you MUST have a direct Internet connection. If this is the case you will need to Remove your keystore and then register again, this time using a direct connection to the Internet.
    2. A firewall has prevented incoming traffic from the administration system. Make sure your firewall allows PDCViewer.exe (for 32-bit systems) / PDCViewer64.exe (for 64-bit systems) to access the Internet for both outgoing and incoming traffic.
    3. You tried registering whilst NOT logged to your computer on as an Administrator. If this is the case you will need to Remove your keystore and then register again while logged in as an Administrator.
    4. Restrictive rights on the keystore files (write access has been denied). You must grant read/write/modify permissions to “Everyone” as well as the Administrative user for the keystore files.
    5. You installed the Viewer using a different profile than the one you registered with. We only support one user profile – that of the administrator for any given computer. You can’t install under one user profile and run the Viewer using another user profile – it will not work. If you are an IT administrator installing the Viewer for a standard Windows user then you must elevate their profile to a Windows administrator, install the Viewer under their profile and register the license under their profile, before returning their profile to a standard user.

    Viewer Freezing: Viewer Freezes (not responding) and causes system to hang

    This could occur if:
  • you have a lot of applications running on your computer (especially if you are using the 32 bit version of the Viewer on Windows)
  • you are low on memory
  • you are opening the Viewer or documents remotely (i.e. connecting via a VPN, opening documents on a network drive, etc.)
  • a security product (anti-virus/firewall) is preventing the Viewer from running correctly
  • To troubleshoot what is causing the problem, check each item below:
    1. Make sure you are physically logged into your computer and are not connecting over a VPN or other remote connection.
    2. Copy the document to your hard disk and open it from there (do not open it from a shared folder or a network location).
    3. Close ALL other applications and then try running the Viewer. Our documents are decrypted in volatile memory so if not enough memory is available then the document could freeze and stop loading.
    4. Reboot your computer, shut-down all other applications and try opening the document again.
    5. Make sure your version of the Operating System is up to date with all the latest updates installed.
    6. Check the resources being used by your anti-virus product. Some AV products are resource intensive and can slow the machine down considerably. Since we read content from memory, this can have a significant effect on our software especially if a full system scan is occurring in the background.
    7. If the Viewer has started freezing after an anti-virus update then you need to check with the AV manufacturer to see what changes now need to be made to whitelist the Viewer.
    8. Reboot, then temporarily pause your antivirus program and firewall, then try opening a document. If the Viewer still doesn’t load normally, then disable your antivirus and firewall software, then reboot (and make sure they remain disabled after the reboot), then try again.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you disable your firewall and AV products, then make sure after you reboot your computer the firewall and AV products were not loaded at start-up time. Most firewall/AV products remain memory resident even after disabling them, so that is why you need to reboot your computer to clear the memory resident component.
    9. Make sure a network security product isn’t interfering with the Viewer’s operation. Even if you disable the firewall and AV installed on your machine, some security may still be enforced if you are on a corporate network. In this case, please check with your company’s IT department.
    10. Remove the Viewer keystore and re-register your license file. If that solves the problem then a security application (anti-virus/malware) is modifying the keystore files. You therefore need to whitelist the Viewer in that application.
    11. Try launching the Viewer with the test license and document and see if those work correctly. You can find them here:
  • Document: Demo PDC document

  • Other things to check on Windows
    1. If Windows UAC is turned ON then turn this OFF from Windows Start menu > Control Panel > User Accounts > Turn User Account Control off.
    2. Make sure PDCViewer.exe (or PDCViewer64.exe for 64-bit systems) is whitelisted in your security software (anti-virus/firewall) and that all connections to and from it are allowed. You will need to check your security software’s documentation on how to add it to the whitelist/list of allowed applications.
    3. Check that your user account has the appropriate permissions to run the Viewer and that the Viewer has full read & write access to the locations it needs in order to work:
  • C:\Users\All Users\Locklizard

  • C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Locklizard

  • C:\ProgramData\Locklizard

  • C:\Program Files\Locklizard Safeguard PDF Viewer

  • 4. Go to C:\ProgramData\Locklizard\PDCViewer\ and delete the file PDCViewer3.ini , then try launching the Viewer again.
    5. If you are using multiple user accounts, then check that you are on the account that installed the Viewer and registered the license initially.
    To force close the Viewer application on Windows
    Press Ctrl-Alt-Del on your keyboard and click on Task Manager in the list. Then, select Safeguard PDF Viewer from the list of applications (Processes tab) and press the ‘End Task’ button.
    Other things to check on Mac
    1. Make sure the security settings enforced are adequate to install the Viewer. See: checking security settings.
    2. If you are using OSX Mojave go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy pane > Privacy tab, and in the left list select Full Disk Access, then in the right list add and allow Safeguard Viewer.
    3. Make sure the Viewer is whitelisted in your security software (anti-virus/firewall) and that all connections to and from it are allowed. You will need to check your security software’s documentation on how to add it to the whitelist/list of allowed applications.
    4. Check that your user account has the appropriate permissions to run the Viewer and that the Viewer has full access to /Users/Shared/.LizardSafeGuardPDFViewer/ .
    To force close the Viewer application on Mac
    Press OPTION, COMMAND and ESC (Escape) together or choose Force Quit from the Apple menu in the top left. Then, select the Viewer in the Force Quit Window and click the ‘Force Quit’ button.

    Error Description and Resolution for Mobile PDC Viewer

    Document access failed – pad block corrupted

    This can occur on an Android device, when trying to register the Viewer license or opening a document because of a number of reasons:
    Corrupted download of the license file
    Please download your license file again, then try registering the newer version.
    Corrupted keystore
    When registering a Viewer license, a local keystore is created. If this was corrupted, use the Remove Keystore option from the navigation menu on the left (swipe right or press the hamburger button in the top right), then download your license again and re-register.
    Custom / stripped-down version of Android
    Some Android devices come with custom versions of the OS (e.g. e-ink tablets). If certain functionalities of the OS were removed in development, the Viewer will not be able to function on those devices.
    Rooted / hacked device
    The Safeguard viewer does not support rooted versions of Android. Additionally, certain hacked builds of Android are also not supported.

    Viewer crashes or opens a document then closes it straight away

    Solution: For this error, we have made a provision on your Vivitsu's dashboard.
  • Please navigate to your dashboard and on the sidebar, there's a section "Chapter-Wise PDC Files".
  • Once there, click on the subject that you want to download and import all the chapter files into your Safeguard Viewer app.
  • You don't need to register with your license again, just open these documents and start viewing them.
  • If you encounter any difficulties in this process, please tell us here so we can guide you further.

  • License Register Failed – unknown error

    This error message is displayed on Android devices if the URL to the license file is not correct. This could happen on own server systems that have not been properly configured. You will need to ask the Publisher to resolve this.
    To test that the Viewer software, licenses and documents are working correctly on Android/iOS, use the following files:

    Android import tab does not update with newly populated files

    A workaround to this is to manually turn on all Viewer app permissions, such as storage access. So allow the Safeguard Viewer access to the storage permissions on your device.
    You get prompted when installing the Viewer about access permissions and you should allow access to all requested permissions.

    Acrobat could not open .pdc because it is either not a supported file type or the file has been corrupted.

    This error message is displayed if you are trying to open a .pdc file directly from Adobes File Open menu or you have associated the .pdc file extension with Adobe Acrobat.
    To open a .pdc file you must have the Safeguard Viewer installed and registered, then import your documents in the Safeguard Viewer app, then click on the documents to open them.

    Why are PDC files not associated with the Android Viewer?

    If you get the message that there is no App to open PDC files then you should choose “Other” and pick the PDCViewer from the list that pops up to open the document / licence – also select the option to always do this. Next time your Android device will then open the PDC file in the Safeguard Viewer automatically.
    If this doesn’t work on your device, then you must open the Safeguard Viewer and select PDC files to open from there.
    NOTE: : Android doesn’t have a file association like Windows does, it only has associations for known built in file types. Also your file explorer may handle opening files a bit differently depending on the Android variant and version installed.